Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Day of Firsts in the Garden

It was a day of a few firsts. I spotted and got rid of quite a few worms after noticing that the holes in my brussels sprout and cabbage leaves were suddenly large overnight. And to think that I thought the butterfly I saw a day or two ago was too pretty to shoo away.... I have a feeling there will be more on the way. There will be no more free stays.
Today was also the first day that my squash has flowered! I did not expect that so soon. My spaghetti squash had a flower and my crookneck had a flower (with a small fruit too!).

This is the spaghetti squash.

The beginning of a fruit is just visible on one of the crookneck squash plants.

Today was also the first harvest of something from the garden. I decided that the arugula was big enough to eat some. Yum.

I'm getting the first of the pea pods forming too. I love fresh garden peas, so I can't wait.

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